The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monolouges

My photo
Dover, Delaware, United States
So what to say about myself? I am a genuine, sincere, and trustworthy person. What you see is what you get. I value honesty and integrity to no end, and try my very best to live my life in a way that exemplifies both (although lately, I have been known to digress from that path... don't worry, I'll find my way back). I am one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I don't see any point in making enemies or judging people. Ironically enough, I'm also extremely socially retarded. I never know how to act in any situation, and I'm constantly saying the wrong things at the wrong times. I don't think before I speak, but in a sense, I guess this makes me a very honest and blunt person. I'm quirky, weird, crazy, odd, whatever you want to call it - I'm a giant ball of eccentricities and idiosyncrasies that very few can actually appreciate.

What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? 'Hold my purse.'

Families with babies, and families without babies are sorry for each other.

After having one child, I introduced my son as my first and my last kid. Having a child was the worst and most exciting thing that I had ever done and I just couldn't imagine myself having another one. But as my son became older and I finally had found permanent soil to plant my roots in, it was time for my boyfriend and I to venture into parenthood with each other.

In the beginning we had assumed that it would take an eternity for us to confirm that we were pregnant but In little to no time at all I knew in my heart that I was pregnant. After a quick stroll through the local Walmart to pick out my pricey "destiny stick " we hurried home where I guzzled enough to trickle what I could, only to discover we were definitely pregnant. I screamed and ran out of the bathroom! My boyfriend wanted me to reassure him of how accurate the little blue line was and then dashed in excitement to call his family members as did I. Little did we know that the months following most of my time would be divided between the bathroom floor and our bedroom. This baby that we had created had made me sick to the point of unbearable. Through use of his phone my hubby did continuous research to do everything in his power to try and ease my discomfort. He bought me ginger tea, ginger root, ginger soda, sea bands, spearmint, and ginger ale and luckily I was finally able to stomach food for the first time in four months.

Our next adventure was to prepare our son for the arrival of his new sibling which came easy for us. We made sure to include him in all of the doctors appts. and to make it priority to confirm that it was "his" baby too not just ours. It delighted me that he insisted that we have a girl and when we went to find out the sex , sure enough it was a girl!

Much of our time was spent conversating with our baby through my tummy and tracking her daily movements. Finally in the delivery room It was a gasp of relief as he climbed into the bed and said, "I love her."  He certainly did, but little did I know when she got home he would have some moments of frustration when I couldn't take him to the park within what he considered a reasonable amount of time because I was either feeding, changing, or bathing his sister.  If I told him we could go somewhere after the baby woke up, he would make sure the baby woke up, much to my dismay.
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.