The Myth, The Legend, The Butthole...
Family Blog
The Vagina Monologues
The Vagina Monolouges
- Mandielynne
- Dover, Delaware, United States
- So what to say about myself? I am a genuine, sincere, and trustworthy person. What you see is what you get. I value honesty and integrity to no end, and try my very best to live my life in a way that exemplifies both (although lately, I have been known to digress from that path... don't worry, I'll find my way back). I am one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I don't see any point in making enemies or judging people. Ironically enough, I'm also extremely socially retarded. I never know how to act in any situation, and I'm constantly saying the wrong things at the wrong times. I don't think before I speak, but in a sense, I guess this makes me a very honest and blunt person. I'm quirky, weird, crazy, odd, whatever you want to call it - I'm a giant ball of eccentricities and idiosyncrasies that very few can actually appreciate.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
You never realize how fragile life is until you & cancer are used in the same sentence...
I went to my Obgyn for my routine checkup and when he did my breast exam he found a solid mass in my rightbreast. As a precaution he sent me to have an ultrasound of my breast done. I was so confident that it would be just a clogged milk duct or a cist. Instead it showed up as a solid mass. Well Ive done my research. A solid mass with no fluid is a sign of a calcium composite or cancer. I went home feeling like the results would conclude that I'm normal and to my surprise I get a phone call stating that I would have to see a specialist for a biopsy. The earliest appointment that they had is on the 16th. Thanks I'm already petrified and I can see the solid white mass right below my flesh. Its in such a spot that I cant help but to keep looking at it as If I would be able to diagnose myself. If I had that ability I would be rid of the abnormal results. Who ever isn't afraid of this life taking disease is indenial cause the very thought is extremely scarey. You know how many what if has crossed through my mind a day? I go for my biopsy on the 16th and I will keep praying that I will not become a statistic. I don't want to have cancer.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Other than a dimple in a cute little chin, whats more adorable than a toothless grin?
Andre is growing up faster than I can scrapbook all of the memorable details and lately he has found a new understanding of money from what it seems. He had lost a couple baby teeth in the past which was no big deal since they fell out quicker than he could notice they were loose.He'd slip them under his pillow and would wakeup in the morning to find a crisp dollar and be satisfied. The other day his front tooth was extremely loosen and I could see him wiggling it and turning it in all sorts of odd directions. He would grin and show me a tooth sticking straight out towards his lips and tell me it will be out soon enough. Fortunate enough for him it fell out in his sleep and he slipped if under his pillow in hopes he'd make a profit off if his hard work. Well that night hubby slipped a five under and took his tooth. That morning Andre came storming into my bedroom with the money between his fingertips with a dissapointed look on his face. He said tearfully that the toothfairy was cheap and he had worked hard for twenty dollars. This nearly made me pee my pants! I told him he should be happy he got five dollars and to not be greedy, but this made me laugh hysterically throughout the day especially since hubby wanted to slip him only one dollar!
Here's the Dish
Eat It? I Can't Even Pronounce It! |
Good Mood Food |
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I shaved my commute time in half by changing my car's horn to sound like gunfire.
When someone states that New Jersey drivers are the worst drivers because they speed and tend to cut people off constantly, then they have never drove in the state of Delaware before. I am not sure if the people here are just smartasses or stupid. I am constantly flipping the bird and giving the stink eye since people drive so slow. The term slower lower makes sense. I am not blaming all Delaware drivers of being Morin's just the ones who drive fifteen miles per hour in a fifty! Id rather be stuck in traffic with people speeding so I can at least arrive to my destination on time. Even my son who rides in the backseat suffers from roadrage..he tells me mom jeep at them they're annoying lil.. often I forget he is back there and he too will suffer anxiety from the people in the other vehicles.
Why is it when you run into a spider web, you suddenly turn into a ninja?
Remember when you threw a shoe at me and I fell behind the bed? I remember too... |
I went to take out the trash the other night and walked right into a silky gross web. I freaked out, nearly fell off the back porch, and still was unsure of whether or not I got the spider on me. I ran inside stripped down and showered hoping I didn't have that filthy creepy bug in my hair. Later on I found that bastard he was right in my bedroom on the wall. I threw my precious heel hoping to kill it and am still unsure whether or not I got him. I bet he's watching me , waiting for the right moment I just bet
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Two eyebrows are better than one.
We all have pet peeves and things that often gross us out, but the one that irks me the most is the "uni-brow". Not mentioning any names or pointing any fingers, but who the hell let you walk outside with that thing. I feel that women who are not honest with their men or men who are not honest with their women, really aren't concerned about them straying. I mean who wants to steal your spouse, you know the one with the uni-brow. I usually run behind on plucking my eyebrows and better yet for a German girl they are fashionably under control most of the time. I'm beginning to notice that the women who often stand out the most to the public as "beautiful" usually have their eyebrows penciled on & what's more noticeable than the guy who waxes them into the "arch " shape. Someone please rescue these people, not for the sake of fashion but for their own good!
No wonder I couldn't find the condoms, they weren't with the other party supplies.
Sex ed was a requirement in high school and no matter how troubling the images of STD's mounted on human genitals were , I have ignored the warning signs and the usual rant about "Don't Do It". Aside from knowing how to put a condom on a banana and that the clinic gives out condoms that resemble chewing gum, I am guilty of not following mom and dad's orders. Now that I have children of my own this fear of sex talk and diseases is scaring the crap out of me. I can see myself now "Oh Miranda those are just balloons", as I blow into one that now takes on the shape of a massive hotdog.
My son already has talks of girlfriends in the first grade which by the way stemmed from kindergarten. He has grown from telling me about the little girl that blew him kisses during lunch to telling me in first grade how beautiful his teacher is. I am in big trouble and hell has come back to give me paybacks for what I put my parents through. " I woke-up and puked one morning in high school and six years later I have a handsome son who is a chick magnet and an admirer of older women, let's face it here I'm screwed. Not to mention my daughter. Tony's friends and relatives are quick to point out to him "Now that's your little girl, own gun yet?" I don't feel that it would be child abuse to lock them both in a closet, but lets state the obvious here..who wants to hear " I told you so", or " Paybacks", when they are suppose to be enjoying their old age? I'm gonna invest in a Tic-Tac container filled with birth control for my daughter and tell her it's candy and convince my son that he is much cuter with pants that lock in order to protect my children. It's not child abuse, teens are getting paid by MTV to be knocked up now and you know the parents are sitting up there saying "You better pay me for airing your stupidity on TV".
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